Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Tiger Cub Born

Young golfers and their parents everywhere are praying that golfing ability isn't genetic as Tiger Woods announced the safe arrival of child number two, Charlie Axel. The young man arrived on Sunday and Golf Predictor send our congratulations to the Woods family. In addition, we wish Mrs and Mrs Woods well in their quest for a good night's sleep in the foreseeable future!

Speculation has begun over the name choice. "Charlie" is reckoned to be a nod to Charlie Sifford, the first African American PGA Tour member. As for "Axel", our initial thought was that the Woods' are Guns N' Roses fans! However, Mrs Woods is Swedish and Axel is a name from her native land meaning "father of peace".

The arrival of Woods Junior paves the way for the much anticipated return of his father to competitive play in the near future. While he is back playing golf without restriction, Tiger admits that his stamina is not up to scratch yet. Another few weeks of basking in fatherhood and building up endurance should ready the great man for action again. We speculate that Tiger will return the week he is likely to lose the world number one spot, at the latest.

1 comment:

Golf Predictor Guru! said...

Tiger has since commented on the name! There was a slight nod to Charlie Sifford but they mostly loved the name. In addition, Axel is his brother-in-law's name.