Monday 14 October 2013

2013 - Week 41 Predictions/Statistics Updated (US Tour)

The predictions for the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open (US PGA Tour) have had to be updated on Golf Predictor. This was due to yet another name change for the event, which pre-2008 awkwardly enough used to be called the Open, the same name as a different event currently on the US PGA Tour (last week's tournament)! This special case (and pain in the neck!) has to be handled by the system and I forgot it earlier in light of the new name for the event. Since Justin Timberlake's name was removed from the title this year, it wasn't picked up as this special case when I generated the predictions earlier. However, I noticed the mistake with the tournament history statistics immediately while looking at prediction pages for several golfers.

I have now fixed the problem and the tournament history has been recalculated correctly. You may have to reload any pages you might have viewed before the update and I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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