Tuesday 13 October 2015

Remaining Data Tables Upgraded on Golf Predictor

Original data table (abridged)
Updated data table (inside Bootstrap panel)

Following on from the recent update to the data panels, all the remaining data tables (in addition to the Google Maps pages and input forms) have been similarly enhanced on Golf Predictor. The existing data tables (as shown in the first screenshot above) have been placed into attractive Twitter Bootstrap panels. As can be seen in the second screenshot above, these new panels make the data tables look much better, with a new title, rounded corners and shadowing. The panels shown above are the same portions of the main Prediction Rankings page for the 2015 British Masters on the European PGA Tour. Panels have been added to the following pages:

  1. All pages on the Predictions menu
  2. All pages on the Form menu
  3. All relevant pages on the Information men (including the Tournaments Google Map page)
  4. All remaining pages on the Results menu
  5. All pages on the Other Stats menu
  6. The Search page
  7. The Change Password page (input form)
  8. The Edit Profile page (input form)
  9. The Member Registration page (input form)
  10. The Course Location page (Google Map)

Some notes on these new data panels:

  1. The format of some pages, e.g. the Edit Profile page, has been improved as part of this update.
  2. As almost all these data tables are the only stats on the particular page, there is no need to make the new Bootstrap panels around them collapsible. The only exception is the Tournament Statistics (Rounds) page, which has a panel with record round scores under it. Therefore, you can now click on the title of the Tournament Statistics data table to collapse it and access the Season Scoring Records panel underneath quickly.
  3. I have tested the data panels on the latest versions of Chrome, FireFox, IE and MS Edge and found them to work fine. There is a lot of pages involved, so it is possible I didn't catch everything. If you experience any issues, please contact me immediately.
  4. The registration page is the only responsive page that has been updated. I have tested this at various screen sizes to ensure that it works correctly.
  5. If you are using an older browser, you should not experience any significant issues. I have only been able to test this using compatibility settings on IE11, but the only issue appears to be the expected lack of rounded corners and shadowing on IE7/8. If you are still using a very old version of IE (or any other browser), it is really past time to upgrade or change it!
  6. Golf Predictor is not really designed for mobile devices, but I have also tested these new panels on Chrome (Android 5.1.1) and Safari (iOS 6.1.3). They appear to work fine in both cases.
  7. You may have to reload a page or empty your browser cache to see the new panels. 

I trust you will agree that these cosmetic updates to the input forms, Google Map pages and the remaining data tables are an improvement. Just another way to make Golf Predictor a little better!

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