Saturday, 13 June 2009

Enhancement to Field Strength Chart Page

We have enhanced the Field Strength Chart page on Golf Predictor. This page is accessible from the 'Stats Analysis' menu ('Tourn Predictions' option, Member section). It now displays the average world ranking for the field, the standard deviation of the field world rankings, the rank of the highest ranked golfer in the field and the rank of the lowest ranked golfer in the field. Since Golf Predictor only tracks the world top 1000 golfers, any golfer outside this list is assigned a default world ranking of 1050. Because of this, we have changed the chart ranges to show how many such golfers are in the tournament field.

The screenshot above shows the new field strength chart page for the 2009 Memorial Tournament. Jack's event had a pretty high quality field, but it still has an average world ranking of almost 200. The high tournament average world rankings are an interesting finding of this new feature, which makes Golf Predictor even better!

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