Sunday, 14 June 2009

New 'Best/Worst Fields' Charts

Following on from the the new world ranking statistics in Golf Predictor, we are now able to compare the field strengths* of all tournaments that we have predicted (all tournaments since approximately April 2008) by season. To that end, we have created 4 new charts:
  1. US PGA Tour events in a given season with the best (strongest) fields.
  2. European PGA Tour events in a given season with the best (strongest) fields.
  3. US PGA Tour events in a given season with the worst (weakest) fields.
  4. European Tour events in a given season with the worst (weakest) fields.
These new chats are available on the 'Tournament Statistics' page ('View Options' menu) for seasons from 2008 on. The screenshot above shows the strongest fields on the 2009 European Tour up to The Celtic Manor Wales Open. As usual, hover over a bar to display more information, as shown for the Dubai Desert Classic.

This new functionality brings the total number of available charts in Golf Predictor to an impressive 225! However, only subscribers can view these new charts, so sign up today and reap the full benefits of Golf Predictor, the premium professional golf statistics site.

*Since Golf Predictor only tracks the world top 1000 golfers, any golfer outside this list is assigned a default world ranking of 1050.

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