Friday, 25 March 2011

New A to Z Selector on Golfers Page

Golfer Name A to Z Selection (Showing "X")

The main golfers page ("View Options - Golfers" page in the member section) on Golf Predictor has been further updated to now allow users to display golfers with a surname starting with a particular letter. This was done for ease of navigation, given that there are almost 4000 golfers to wade through! As shown in the screenshot above (for "X"), you now get an A to Z selection list and the count of all matching golfers for that letter. You may select "All" to revert to all golfers and the selected option is shown in black in the A to Z list.

This new functionality allows you to see some interesting (useless!) information, such as the most common letter ("S" with 371) and the least common (unsurprisingly, "X" as shown above, with nine, eight of whom are Chinese!). Just another way to make Golf Predictor, the premium professional golf statistics site, even better!

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