Tuesday 31 January 2012

Minor Enhancements to Some Stats Pages

New look tournament page with all collapsible panels

Some minor cosmetic changes have been made to some of the statistics pages on Golf Predictor. The main page affected is the tournament page, with the main prediction and results pages for each golfer also getting slight updates. The main changes are:

  1. The large "Basic Details" section on the Tournament page has been divided into two sections: a smaller  "Basic Details" section and a new "Further Information" collapsible AJAX panel.
  2. The "Related Tournaments" and "Past Winners" stats tables on the Tournament page have been upgraded to collapsible AJAX panels. This means all the sections on the page except the "Basic Details" section are now collapsible panels. Simply click on a panel header to toggle collapsing/expanding it.
  3. The styling of the "Related Tournaments"section on the Tournament page has been updated for increased legibility and to make it look better!
  4. The season, week number, start and end dates on the Tournament page have been amalgamated into one line in the "Basic Details" section.
  5. Similarly, the week number, tournament start and end dates have been added to the Prediction and Results pages and combined with the existing season value.
  6. The data has been reorganised slightly on the  "Basic Details" section of the Prediction and Results pages. Now, the golfer details are on the first line, followed by the tournament name, then the season, tour and finally the course information on the following lines. 
  7. The date format of the last win and last cut missed has been slightly enhanced in the General panel on the Prediction page for each golfer.

The graphic above shows a portion of the new Tournament page (for this week's Waste Management Phoenix Open on the US PGA Tour) with these new changes. Just another way to make Golf Predictor a little better!

Note: You may have to refresh a page in your browser, if you recently viewed it.

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