Saturday, 5 January 2013

Darren Clarke's (Cocked Up) Message to Me!

As part of my Christmas present, my better half thoughtfully queued up for two hours in a Dublin book shop to get a signed copy of 2011 Open Champion Darren Clarke's new autobiography "An Open Book: My Autobiography". Imagine my excitement in ripping off the paper to see the recent Northern Irish major champion praise my web site (via the carefully supplied text from me, not from personal experience, I must point out!).

As you can see in the image above, things didn't go exactly to plan! Imagine my disappointment that a version of Chinese Whispers resulted in a slight cock up! The transference of the simple desired spiel from me ("Great work on Golf PredictOR") through two intermediaries to Clarke himself resulted in the error. I don't know whose fault it was, but I have the original text message to prove it wasn't mine! I was hardly going to get it wrong anyway, after creating Golf Predictor and working on it for the last five years!

Anyway, no big deal - I know what he meant! Another thing to note from the inscription is the impressive handwriting and aptly extravagant signature of the man himself! Given that he must have signed at least several hundred books before mine, the fact that the text is legible at all is almost miraculous, never mind that it is so neatly ornate!

As for the book itself, I haven't read that much of it yet, but so far it's OK. The early chapters gloss over a lot of detail, but that's probably because the author couldn't remember it! I will update my opinion after I finish it.

1 comment:

Golf Predictor Guru! said...

I've finally finished the book. Overall it was disappointingly light on detail, except for the final day of The Open!