Thursday, 3 January 2013

Field Ranking Pages Enhanced - Similar Length Course Statistics

Snippet of Field Rankings page with new SLC average ranking

Snippet of Compare Field Rankings page with new SLC column
In addition to the changes made to the 'Prediction Data' and 'Prediction Rankings' page, the 'Field Rankings' and 'Compare Field Rankings' pages have also been enhanced with new similar length course (SLC) information. These pages are available on the 'Predictions' menu in the member section of Golf Predictor.

As shown on the first image above, the SLC average has been added to the 'Metric' dropdown list on the 'Field Ranking' page. There is also a new 'Best on Sim. Length Courses' chart along the top of the data table, which shows the SLC top performers graphically. As shown on the second image above, there is a new 'SLC' column on the 'Compare Field Rankings' page which shows the player's field ranking for that new metric. Due to space restrictions, this new SLC column replaces the golfer nationality column. The stacked chart along the top of the data table has also been updated to include the SLC ranking.

Note that this comparison information and chart is not available prior to this season (2013). You may have to refresh the page to see the changes. Just another way to make Golf Predictor even better!

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