Saturday, 19 January 2013

Details added to the 'About GP' Page

For those of you who might be interested, I have updated the content to the About GP page on Golf Predictor. I have added some information about me (the developer) and the genesis of Golf Predictor. There used to be somewhat similar information on that page before, but I took it down once I wound up the small IT consulting firm that I used to run. However, in the interests of transparency, I have finally gotten around to updating the text and reinstating that section to the bottom of the page.

This new spiel includes some personal information, despite my aversion to putting it on the web! More interestingly, it includes some background on how I came up with the idea and why I put it into practice. Maybe if I had known the amount of work that was going to be involved, I might never have started! Of course, I'm glad I went ahead and made Golf Predictor the brilliant site it is today!!

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