Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Default Tour - Now a User Preference

We received some very useful member feedback suggesting that it should be possible to choose a default tour for all the pages in Golf Predictor. For example, if one is interested in the US PGA Tour only, one should not have to keep changing dropdown boxes on every single page to "US". The default used to be "Both" (if present) or "Euro".

We have implemented this excellent suggestion in the same way that we implemented the chart orientation preference. On the member profile page (Member section, "My Golf Predictor - Edit/View Profile" menu option), there are two new 'Default Tour' radio buttons. The first radio button is for setting the default tour on pages with just two options (US/Euro), while the second radio button is for the default tour on pages with three options (US/Euro/Both). If not set, the tour will default to the original setting.

We hope this makes Golf Predictor even better to use!! Note that you may have to wait a few moments and re-open the page in order for the new default option to take effect.

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